Every organization that has an online business tends to have some network infrastructure, business logic and a vast amount of user and client data that needs to be safeguarded from hackers and intruders. In this digital age, cyber threats are ever-evolving, and new attacks and methods to compromise confidential data are being developed every day. So it becomes important to keep yourself up to date with the knowledge that hackers use and protect our data and privacy by following safe practices.

    There are various tools available through which you can test the integrity and security of your organisation by methods like penetration testing, and hack the box, where you deliberately find loopholes and backdoors in your network and system. One of the tools used for penetration testing of Facebook, Instagram and also some games like PUBG, Clash of Clans, etc is Sp0m

    Safe Practices to Improve Security of Organization

    There are several ways through which you can increase the security of your organisation’s network and hence confidentiality of data. Let’s see some of them which are mentioned below.

    1. Awareness and Training– An organisation should always train its employees to detect potential threats in their working environment as attacks remain hidden from the normal user most of the time and without knowledge, it is not possible to identify them. Education becomes important and practices like strong passwords can also be beneficial.
    2. System Updates– Software and firmware should be updated regularly to avoid any vulnerability exploitation. The software provides roll-out security patches and updates from time to time to fix any potential exploits. Also if you want to be on the safer side you should use secure operating systems like Parrot OS, which is a Linux distribution. 
    3. Secure your network– When data is transferred from one point to another, it passes through different layers of the network, in which it has different forms. Intruders try to intercept this data by being in one of the layers of the network and deciphering it to get the actual information. For this reason, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems are made. These detect any unusual activity or traffic, i.e. monitor data packets that go out or into the system.
    4. Encryption– Encrypting the data means the data requires some sort of key to make meaningful information. Encrypting your organisation’s data can be helpful as even if hackers get their hands on the organisation’s information, they would be able to make sense of it.
    5. Authentication– Organisations should use a multi-factor authentication method to enhance security. It can be achieved through various ways, like a fingerprint, face ID, and any hardware devices, that can be used to authenticate after entering your primary method of logging like passwords, etc.
    6. Antivirus– The online system of an organisation needs to have an antivirus so it can detect any malicious file that can enter through means like phishing, social engineering, etc. Be cautious of what you download and view in your computer system and don’t open any unknown files.


    It is crucial to safeguard your organisation’s data and privacy just like any other individual. You should take precautions and measures that can protect your organisation from theft in this ever-evolving technological age.

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